
Meals on board the aircraft are one of the most important components of a pleasant flight and the level of service in general. According to some sources, there is an opinion that 70% of the passengers’ impression about the airline depends on what and how they were fed during the flight. On the other hand, the meal above the clouds is one of the entertainment available to passengers during their stay in a confined space on board the aircraft. That is why it is important that the food was not only delicious, but also beautifully decorated.


What is the most important thing in flight?

The absence of the Internet, which is firmly entrenched in our lives, on board the aircraft, begins to arouse interest in everything around. At this moment, the passenger’s gaze begins to cling to everything that has any informational interest.

This effect of “forced reading” increases the level of advertising exposure by several times, which is why one of the most effective tools for increasing product awareness and passenger loyalty is advertising on paper cups.

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